Monday, May 11, 2009

So, here's a hint for what I bought you.

Sometimes people deserve a present,
a gift or whatever you call it.
You can wrap the small box
in the comic section,
putting The Wizard of ID
and Beetle Bailey on top
because they're the only funny ones.

So, now that your copy of the Lexicon Devil seven inch,
or your red cashmere scarf 
or the movie tickets are wrapped,
handwrite a card.
Not something phony you fought
a plumber and a cornerback to get.
Something meaningful,
with words crossed out where you misspelled marriage
or used the wrong your.

Keep them guessing.
Don't drop hints, 
that's the hard part.
I drop hints 
like backtrack bread crumbs
and it always fucks me over
in the end.
So this time, I'm going to give you something
you can't wrap
or fit in a bag 
or buy online.
I think I'll give you me beacuse
I am a present you can open
again and again.

1 comment:

Katlyn said...

I love this ring <3 its gorgeous and you're right, you cant help yourself from dropping hints. But thats ok, Im glad you do.

aaaahhh i love it. Thats all.