Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I think we should make changes, right now.

I want my life to turn into a sword from a role-playing game: it needs some upgrades.

Snow storm was awful. First ice, then snow, then both at the same time. There's at least 8 inches of snow, covered by an inch and a half of ice. Trees are hanging like red zone huddles, with their tips touching the ground. We have three fifty-foot maples in our yard. Huge branches fell onto the roof, on the overhang in the backyard, on my dad's truck. We have no power. No hot water. I need to bathe, my balls feel like swamp leg, gross and slow.

My phone works intermitantly. Did I spell intermitantly right? Probably not. My hands hurt from moving limbs and scraping windows. I think I'd like to buy a generator and an ATV after this ordeal.

These setences feel awkward. Like, it feels like somebody else is writing this. These words sound terrible.

I didn't sleep last night, I tried to read but couldn't. I've messaged Volkswagen friends. One of them had a tree fall on his car while he tried driving to work. The front of his car looks like your insides.

Pot would be nice right now, so would a Grolsch. I had pizza earlier. I'm not sure how long my house will be without power. Oh yeah, I'm writing this from Jeffersonville, I made it down to my mom's flower shop. It has power, and heat. I'll be sleeping on the floor for a few days.

My knuckles won't stop throbbing, my fingers feel damp on the insides. This is something I don't understand. I hope you're reading this, that means you still have power, wherever you might be.

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