Monday, January 19, 2009

Don't confuse this for praying after a game.

My dog is jumping up and down right now. I can hear here through the floor. She keeps barking and I'm afraid she'll jump too high and come through the floor. What would be awesome if she landed on the treadmill that's next to my couch and start running on it.

I want to find a better browser option than Safari. Firefox sucks on Macs. I'm afraid to use Opera. Boo. Google Chrome needs to come out for the Mac, I want to try it.

Today I went shopping. I bought some video games to add to my collecting. They are now cleaned and in my container. I also bought some records. There used to be a fantastic vinyl booth at one o the flea markets in Louisville, but it closed. Because of this, I haven't added any new vinyl to the rack in a long time. I wanted some Prince, but I didn't find any Prince.

Here's what I bought:

Are these albums burning your insides? Probably. You need to own these. It doesn't matter what format. You can even have them on laser disc, or written on your walls.

Someone on ESPN just said they have wide receiver syndrome. That sounds deadly. 

I'd like to get a new bass. Maybe with my tax return. Or maybe with your tax return.


DB said...

fuck yes, my aim is true.

Joey Minutillo said...

Dude that album is crisp. The vinyl looks like it's never been played. It's juicy like a burger seeping with grease.

Unknown said...

Agreed...the Fleetwood Mac is a necessity