Thursday, May 22, 2008

Trouble with animal crackers

I bought a box of animal crackers
from a vending machine. When I ripped 
open the flap, the inside read:
Do not eat if seal is broken.

I licked frosting of a zebras stomach
and chewed through a giraffe's neck
so he wouldn't feel awkward at parties. 
Me and two apes talked 
about grooming techniques.

I found the seal, broken in half
near the bottom.
His flippers rested on his severed torso.
I probably broke him in half
when I threw the box onto the 
conveyer belt in a hurry.

Google was no help
in giving me tips to save him.
My first three hits were
the British musician.
I clicked on his homepage
and he sang "Don't Cry"
but I couldn't help myself.
The seal was broken
and I felt sick to my stomach.


Ryan Rader said...

i like this. especially since i have the image of Seal in animal cracker form.

Joey Minutillo said...

Yeah, this was either going to be a poem about Seal or Trent Reznor. Seal is cooler.