Sunday, May 4, 2008

This is about work.

Being done with classes is great. I already miss learning and shit, but not having the constant stress of knowing you have things due is really nice. I was talking to my dad about getting a job, and he was like, "You're going to hate having a job in three months when the newness wears off." 

He's probably right but I think what my parents forget is that school never stops. Sure, your classes are over at the end of everyday, but when you get home, there are papers to write, projects to finish, speeches to rehearse. That shit never ends. When you're done with your job, it's not like you have to go home and keep working. You go home, and shit's done.

I'm at work right now and it's very boring. Nobody is here. I'm just sitting with April and Lindsey doing nothing. I am listening to music, though, and that's nice. A Ghost is Born, the Wilco album from 2004. It's good.

People see my Tampa Bay Rays hat and always joke that the TB stands for tuberculosis. I still haven't laughed at that joke yet.

OFF TOPIC: This guy on GameFAQs in the GTA IV forum had a signature that said "Destroy everything you touch today." Interesting idea.

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