Friday, August 22, 2008

There are some things you learn to deal with

Some days it'll rain,
and you don't plan for rain.
You'll leave your sunroof open,
ignoring the bull rush of grey clouds
rolling over your house.
Wind will gust like an ocelating fan
and cause leaves to stick against the windows,
making autumn decals.

You'll think, "My car is safe under the carport.
Jessica's Saturn is safe under the carport."
Then remember the hole caused by roofers
dropping a box of shingles through its roof.
You imagine the interior of your car turning
into the center of a universe,
sucking the beading water, acorns
and pollen into the console.

The vinyl seats that you tell everyone
are really leater are spongy and bloated
with sky. Seeds rest between the grey stitches,
attempting to burrow and sprout into trees.
You look outside at your car.
Through the hole in the carport,
open sunroof.
Maybe a seed will turn into a cluster of roots
then into a tree
which will fill the open sunroof
and hole in the carport.

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