Monday, June 16, 2008

Rescinding comments

I take back being happy about being in this house. Aside from watching that movie with my parents, everyone else in this house has been spiteful and mouthy every time I've said something. Yesterday, I remembered that my parents didn't even say anything when I came home.

No, "Congratulations on finish
ing college," or "I'm glad you're home." My room was completely filled with shit (not literal, thankfully) that I'm still trying to empty and rearrange. I hate writing about these kinds of things, because it makes me feel like I'm sixteen, but these really bothering me. I put a lot of time and effort into school and writing, and aside from getting a smile when I mention something academic, my parents really don't seem to care or understand that those are the kinds of things that make me the happiest. 

Oh well, I'm sure things'll improve in a few days or something.

Plus, I do have something to look forward to:

Green for the monies, gold for the honeys! I can't wait to start this project.

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