Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Everything I love cannot fit in a bag.

There are so many things going on in my life right now it feels like when you're at Sears and you're watching the huge display of big screens and they're all on different channels, but you still feel like you know what's going on in every single show.


I'm gonna go 700 Club on ya' ass!

That really doesn't mean anything, I guess. Isn't the 700 Club a Evangelical TV show? I think that guitarist from Korn was on there. Awww, too bad that 'K' isn't backwards, writing Korn without it just doesn't seem authentic.

Wikipedia might clear that up, but I'm too lazy to do that kind of research right now.


I'm thinking about people right now. I want to visit Muncie and my family in Chicago. I want to go to a Cubs game and make a beer last all afternoon. I want the sun to set while I'm on the beach with people I love and not care that my shorts are getting wet or my sandals are floating away because you can buy another pair at Old Navy for three dollars.

Just forget that was your favorite pair of sandals, okay?

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