Saturday, December 20, 2008

I haven't been updating lately and that saddens me, but at the same time, I'm glad I'm alive

So, I haven't been updating everyday. I had a nice streak going where there would be something to read on here each day, but that feeling started to go away like two weeks ago. That doesn't mean there hasn't been a lot going on. Although, I've always thought of using a blog like a journal where you just write down things that happen everyday is kind of pointless. Most people don't care when you take a shit or if a friend died or if you're snowed in your apartment and you want to climb on the roof in your flannel and start screaming like you're being attacked from the inside-out by people you can't see.

I have been doing things, though. Lots of working. It's been nothing but bad news at work. FedEx is getting rid of a lot of things. They aren't matching 401k, they closed a store in Elizabethtown. Nobody gets good news and that's unfortunate.

This blog is turning into my favorite pillow. I can go a few days without being around it, but when I come home and see it on the bed, I jump head-first into it and bury my face, breathing in the fabric like it's the last air in the sky.

I'm going to write children's books about my cat. My girlfrend said it would be a good idea. It's been dead at work today, so I started scripting things. My cat will probably do anything. Other people should take the same approach my cat does.


It's like this song was written right now as a response to our economic plight, but not really. Either way, listening to it has been the highlight of this day.


I miss people. I want to be surrounded by the same four or five people all the time. I want everyone to be talking at the same time just so we hear something. I want those people to feel the same way I do, or at least know they've thought about having these feelings.

I'll be with those people tonight. My family is going out for my sister's 20th birthday. I want to eat a bowl of chili and drink some beer from a sweeating glass and get tired halfway through dinner.

Another one of those people will be home from Florida next week. Oh yeah, and Christmas is next week, too. I want presents. Everyone wants presents. They want to make a mess and wear new shirts and pants.

I think this post is over, for now.

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