Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Today made me miss school.

It was weird, today was the first day that I actually thought about missing Muncie and the college experience. I was in ENG 409, easily my least favorite class, just because everyone in there, besides like three people, are really fucking annoying. Well, annoying, or just stupid. Like, they never shut up stupid.

I was thinking about talking with Joe before class, and the fact that he was wearing pink fishnets and a thong under these really hideous shorts that looked like boxers. And I was thinking about Dan's poem we read yesterday in Mark Neely's class where he used the word "dickring" three times and it made me laugh. 

And I was thinking about how irritating this one guy is because he can never punctually say anything: he just has to drag shit out for like three minutes, instead of saying it in fifteen seconds like any other normal human being would. Yeah, and the Wig Mistress is in there, too. I'm pretty sure she'd be one of the two or three worst lays imaginable, right up there with Joan Rivers (just because I don't think she could grab her ankles if I asked her to, you know, just for a more pleasurable rear entry experience for both of us,) and probably Meg Ryan for the simple fact she was in a movie with bone in the title and it wasn't pornographic. I'm pretty sure I could think of worse people, but right now, Meg Ryan is fairly nauseating.

But yeah, I don't even know why I was upset. It sure as Hell wasn't because I'm going to miss Muncie. This city can bite my sack. I just think I'm going miss all of these people, even the irritating jerk offs. It makes me think about why I'm looking forward to moving back to Southern Indiana. I honestly don't know why. I bet in another year, I'll want to leave there, too.

On a completely different note, I took two pictures of my dick today, but if I posted them, I think Blogger would close down my page, which would suck. My dick looked awesome, though. A lot of people would be jealous.

1 comment:

DB said...

that last paragraph is awesome.

today i noticed christina wooten sucking on a blowpop and it was really terrible, not just because of who it was, but how she was doing it. it was like she was trying to scrape the surface of her tongue off with the blowpop and it was really hurting her. and her mouth was open.