Monday, January 14, 2008

Cleaning (figuratively and literally)

It feels good to clean. Really good. Brianne and I went shopping today. Got a DVD rack for my pile of shit. Got a plastic container for my XBox/Wii stuff. The living room feels a lot less cluttered. Not to mention, it gives Juice quite a few less opportunities to chew on shit. She's already ruined two of my XBox headsets by chewing through the cords. Too bad she's not a person, otherwise she'd owe me 40 bucks.

Oh, and maintenance decided to do their fucking job today and come and fix my window. Although, talking to the ass grab they sent over here was about as enjoyable as shoving a nail into your piss hole. He's just a flat-out dick. Oh well, at least it's warmer in here, and the douche saw that the track on my window is broken, which is why my window wouldn't seal. I'm not kidding... my window has been partially open. They better get here in the next few days and fix it, because I don't want something to happen and jar it back open.

Yeah, and the semester workload.... WOW. Started today. Christ. At least I got a small head start in my poetry class.

Imma keep chugging along, though. The second part of my list will be up tomorrow.

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